Sunday, April 22, 2012


So, 5 days worth of Clomid done -- I've had a few teary moments this week (included getting teary over seeing a ground hog. A GROUND HOG - really?). I've also had a really short fuse this week. Everything put me on edge! I did not, however, have any of the major hot flashes that I've heard about. Makes me worried that the dose was not enough. Tonight my husband has to give me my first injection of Bravella. I don't know who is more nervous about the injection - me or him! I give injections daily at work, but my darling husband?!? yeah.... not so much. I know it will be fine. I'm just so hopeful that this will work. I know the likelihood of this working the first time isn't all that great. But I am praying so hard that this works.


  1. I remember telling eric that the 'mid was likely to make me very emotional- and then he asked how that was any differnt than normal!

    Fingers crossed that those eggs are a growing!

    Are you going in for a follicle ultrasound?

  2. PS...don't worry about the hot flashes. It doesn't mean it's not working.

  3. Hi!! I didn't know this other blog existed so now I am following. :) You can ignore my e-mail. I am PSYCHED for you!! It is TIME!!!
